25 August 2015 Tuesday, August 25, 2015 - 12:00 AM The agenda forum for this meeting will be held at 5.30pm Tuesday 18 August 2015, in Council Chambers, 63 Cathedral Avenue, Geraldton. The Council meeting will be held at 5.30pm Tuesday 25 August 2015, in Council Chambers, 63 Cathedral Avenue, Geraldton. Members of the public are welcome to attend. If you propose to put a question to Council you are requested to submit them in writing providing your contact details and address prior to the Council Meeting. Please visit the City’s website at www.cgg.wa.gov.au/your-council/council/council-meetings/questions-from-the-public, for the procedure of Public Question Time which includes a submission form for questions. Please send your question to the Chief Executive Officer, 91视频, PO Box 101, Geraldton WA 6531, or to council@cgg.wa.gov.au with the title: “Questions to Council – 25 August 2015”. If you are sending questions via e-mail they are to be submitted by 4.30pm on the day of the meeting. Minutes Ordinary Meeting of Council - Minutes - 25 August 2015 (0.00 bytes) Agenda Ordinary Meeting of Council - Agenda - 25 August 2015 (0.00 bytes) Document CCS125 - Attachment-Council Policy CP034 Fraud Control (0.00 bytes) CCS126 - Attachment - Council Policy CP035 Writing Off Bad Debts (0.00 bytes) CCS127 - Attachment - Statement of Financial Activity to 31 July 2015 (0.00 bytes) CCS128- Attachment - Council Policy CP033 Community Funding - Updated (0.00 bytes) CCS129 - Attachment - Statement of Financial Activity (Budget Amendments) (0.00 bytes) CS221 - Attachment A - Community Farm Business Case (0.00 bytes) CS221 - Attachment B - MCG Constitution (registered) (0.00 bytes) DRS225B - Attachment - Schedule of Submissions (0.00 bytes) DRS225A - Attachment - Glenfield Structure Plan Maps (0.00 bytes) DRS226A - Attachment - Final Draft Animals Environment and Nuisance Amendment Local Law (0.00 bytes) DRS226B - Attachment - Issues Identified by Environmental Health Directorate (0.00 bytes) CC218 - Report to be Received - Geraldton Regional Art Gallery Committee Meeting Minutes 08.07.15 (0.00 bytes) CC219 - Report to be Received - Queen Elizabeth II Seniors Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 15.07.15 (0.00 bytes) CC220 - Report to be Received - HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 15.07.15 (0.00 bytes) DRSDD 101 - Report to be Received - Delegated Determinations (0.00 bytes)