26 June 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012 - 12:00 AM

The agenda forum for this meeting will be held at 5.30pm Tuesday 19 June 2012, in Council Chambers, Edward Rd, Geraldton.

The Council meeting will be held at 5.30pm Tuesday 26 June 2012, in Council Chambers, Edward Rd, Geraldton.

Members of the public are welcome to attend.


Ordinary Meeting of Council Minutes - 26 June 2012 (0.00 bytes)

Agenda Forum Minutes - 19 June 2012 (0.00 bytes)


Ordinary Meeting of Council Agenda - 19 June 2012 (0.00 bytes)


CEO005 - Attachment - Batavia Regional Organisation of Council (BROC) (0.00 bytes)

TF001 - Attachment - Triannual Current Grant Applications (0.00 bytes)

SC050B - Attachment - Extract from Report (0.00 bytes)

SC051 - Attachment - Bill Sewell Complex Report Extracts (0.00 bytes)

CI017 - attachment - CGG Land Development Guidelines DRAFT (March 2012) (0.00 bytes)

SC048A - Attachment - Parking Local Law Final for Adoption February 2012 (0.00 bytes)

SC048B - Attachment - Section 3.12 Local Government Act (0.00 bytes)

SC049A - Attachment - MOU CCTV 1 (0.00 bytes)

SC049B - Attachment - CCTV Code of Practice (0.00 bytes)

SC049C - Attachment - Business Plan New CESM BP (0.00 bytes)

SC049D - Attachment - 91视频 FESA CESM MOU (0.00 bytes)

SC052A - Attachment - Site Location Plan (0.00 bytes)

SC052B - Attachment - Proposed Banner Example (0.00 bytes)

CC067 - Attachment - MOU - CircuitWest Audience Development Project - FINAL (0.00 bytes)

CC068 - Attachment 1 - Museum Leases - Greenough Pioneer Museum Board agreement between Geraldton-Greenough (0.00 bytes)

CC068 Attachment - Draft Pioneer Museum Lease 08 06 12 (0.00 bytes)

CC068B - Attachment - Responses to comments received regarding Draft Museum Leases final (0.00 bytes)

CEO006 - Sister City Minutes 12 april 2012 (0.00 bytes)

TF006 - Minutes of Community Grants Advisory Committee meeting 3 May 2012 (0.00 bytes)

TF008 Financial Statements to May 2012 (0.00 bytes)

SCDD064 -Reports to be Received - Delegated Determinations (0.00 bytes)

CC069- HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 20120521 (0.00 bytes)

CC070-National Youth Week 2012 Evaluation Report (0.00 bytes)

CC071- QEII Seniors Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 20120502 (0.00 bytes)

CI019 - FORC MINUTES 16.4.12 (0.00 bytes)

ATT CI016 - REPORT - Beresford Foreshore Coastal Protection Project - FINAL REPORT - OPERATIONAL._Part1 (0.00 bytes)

ATT CI016 - REPORT - Beresford Foreshore Coastal Protection Project - FINAL REPORT - OPERATIONAL._Part2 (0.00 bytes)

CC068 - Attachment 2 - Museum Leases - EMAIL from Alex McKinnon about Greenough Pioneer Museum (D-12-27069) (0.00 bytes)