City continues Mullewa upgrades Published on Wednesday, 28 June 2017 at 12:00:00 AM Upgrades and renewal works completed in Mullewa in the past twelve months will be built upon in the 2017/18 financial year.Over the past year, the construction of a number of Mullewa based projects were completed including the construction of the waste transfer station, refurbishment of the Youth Centre, replacement of the tower lights and fence at the Recreation Centre and the bitumen resealing of intersections.91视频 Mayor Shane Van Styn said the City would be spending more than $500,000 in the 2017/18 financial year on upgrades in Mullewa including water and road infrastructure.“In the next 12 months improvements in town include the sealing of additional caravan bays at the Caravan Park, upgrades to the town centre and the resealing of Lover’s Lane,” he said.“Out of town works include improvements to rural water supply sources for road maintenance and firefighting and lowering the crest on Devil’s Creek Road to make it safer.“The resheeting of various gravel roads throughout the rural area has also been included in the Budget.”The City has also been successful in obtaining natural disaster relief funding from the State Government to repair roads damaged during summer rainfalls.“The City has received a $4.5 million Western Australia Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (WANDRRA) grant to re-grade and repair gravel roads damaged by flooding from heavy regional rainfalls in February,” Mayor Van Styn said.“Securing grant funding to undertake repairs to our rural roads and river crossings was critical as the damage far exceeded the City’s allocated budget for rural road maintenance and repairs.”Notes:Mullewa Renewals at a glance:• $4.5 million on flood damaged roads• $71,000 for town centre upgrades• $9,000 to seal additional caravan bays at the Caravan Park• $86,000 for rural water supply source improvements for road maintenance and firefighting• $115,000 to reseal Lover’s Lane• $243,445 to lower the crest on Devil’s Creek Road Picture Caption: Flood damaged roads in Mullewa will receive $4.5 million. Back to All News